Appeal to the peoples of former socialist countries
EuCETExcerpt: A brutal war is being waged in the European Union between the disciples of normality and abnormality, morality and amorality, restricted sovereignty and full subjection, i.e. between nation states and federalists.The appeal of a Hungarian intellectual patriot
to the peoples of former socialist countries
A brutal war is being waged in the European Union between the disciples of normality and abnormality, morality and amorality, restricted sovereignty and full subjection, i.e. between nation states and federalists. You must not forget that each of your countries only has a few percentage points of the votes in the Parliament of the federal Union! That is why the stake in this war is our future. The target of the attacks is currently Hungary, because of the anti-paedophile act passed to protect children. To protect the constant barrage of left-wing liberal attacks, Hungary and Poland have already formed an offensive and defensive alliance by exercising their right to veto. However, this is a precarious situation, because if the decision of voters would put left-wing liberals to power in either of these countries, the other country, left without protection, will also be lost in absence of the veto. Sadly, the right to veto is also losing its value, as the European Parliament and the Council are overstepping the provisions of law. The time when we could wait for someone to dig up the chestnuts has passed. What this Hungarian saying means is that we can no longer wait for others to fight our battles and to bear the burdens and consequences of war in our stead. The former socialist countries must decide, and they have to take a side. If you put a frog in a pot and slowly start heating the water around it, the frog will not jump out, but will slowly succumb to its death. If the former Soviet bloc countries do not continuously protest against Brussels’s dictatorship, we will end up like the frog, burned by the fire of Brussels. The only way we can protect our Christian-based culture and our relative sovereignty is through solidarity. Freedom-loving peoples, stand by Hungary!
The Ottoman empire conquered lands all the way to the Sava River in the times of King Louis I of Hungary. Hungary successfully fought off the best organised and strongest military state of the time for one hundred fifty years, but the long war slowly wore down its strength. To our misfortune, the Reformation led to religious wars breaking out all across Europe. Christians ended up fighting against Christians while the Ottoman forces took Belgrade in 1521. This led to the Hungarian forces, left on their own, to lose at the Battle of Mohács in 1526. We Hungarians succumbed to Turkish rule for one hundred fifty years; the peoples of the Balkans endured it for five hundred. The lesson we can learn from our history is that we, small peoples can achieve success against the large powers only by working together. If we do not cooperate now, Brussels will use its political and economic blackmail to slowly grind down each of the countries playing the waiting game.
Hungarian brothers and sisters living abroad!
Help your country in this great war! I ask that you spread the above appeal in all manners possible, and translate it into the official languages of your respective countries. Use our petition to turn to national but not chauvinist parties, asking them to openly take a stand against mass immigration, the forcefulness of the gender lobby, and the transformation of the EU into a federal state! Allow me to quote the eternal lines of the poet Mihály Babits (Part Three of the Book of Jonah):
“Hear the hard words of God, the Lord of the Heavens
O, large Niniveh, repent,
… because to be silent is to be complicit.”
31 July 2021
Retired Forest Engineer