About us

The European Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET) was established in cooperation with the member organizations of the Polish Gazeta Polska Clubs and the Hungarian Civil Solidarity Forum (CÖF) with the involvement of other (French, Finnish, German, Macedonian, Swedish, Serbian and Hungarian beyond the border) civil organizations and personalities April 2019 It was established in Budapest on the 25th. The founding leaders of the organization are Tomász Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of Gazeta Polska, and Dr. László Csizmadia, president of CÖF.

The main goal of EuCET is to preserve Europe's Christian cultural heritage, to nurture its traditions, to protect nation-state sovereignties and to build European cooperation on nation-state cooperation, on the Europe of Nations concept.

The founders believed that the reform of the European Union dreamed up by Christian Democratic spiritual predecessors, including Adenauer and Schuman, as well as the reversal of the direction of community integration, which was strongly shaken in terms of its historical and cultural identity, had gained special relevance. We believe that today, more than ever, Europe needs the strengthening of Christian culture and cultural identity - as the main basis of Europe's modern organizational form - and the protection of the Christian idealism that has shaped Europe over the centuries.

We want a strong Europe in which, for example, the general political positions of the forum of national heads of state and government, the European Council, cannot be overridden by lower-level council decisions, and the European Parliament is expected to be involved in inter-institutional consultations on such decisions, and we also consider it important to move in the right direction step taken - rethinking and strengthening the institution of the European citizens' initiative. All this is also because we believe in the principle of popular sovereignty, according to which the source and depository of all rights is the people as a whole, which exercises the rights related to state power directly or through its representatives - this is now the main basic element of all modern European constitutions. We consider it important to enforce the idea of ​​national sovereignty, which in our view means the state independence of the nation states that make up the European Union, based on the principle of the sovereign equality of states, and their capacity to act in an international sense.

By strengthening the moral base, EuCET wants to return the Union to the original ideas of the founders and the large-scale politicians who shaped the community in the past decades. We believe that Helmut Kohl dreamed in Europe that the Commission and other EU institutions must not only keep the specific provisions of the Treaties on EU legislative acts, but also the spirit of the Treaties in the preparation of individual decisions. And this presupposes the responsibility felt for the future of the coming generations, the prevention of harmful federalist and even super-federalist efforts and the representation of civil self-defense, the unity of individual and community civil will, and the protection of the nations of Europe.

Closing statements of our conferences:

Budapest, November 25, 2023.

On November 24-25, 2023, the European Union Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET) and the organizations cooperating with it organized the IV. in the framework of an international conference, they reviewed the global challenges affecting Europe today and formed their position regarding the goals of the joint action plan for the future of the European Union, as well as their implementation. Open attacks that cannot be justified by any objective have destroyed humanity's hopes for global security, and most directly, civilization. The armed conflicts that break out, the terrorist threat that increases as a result of them, the deterioration of competitiveness that occurs due to the faulty EU responses to the crises, and the progressive ideological campaign that declares war on universal and eternal values ​​and weighs on the present burdened with contradictions and tragedies as capital weight, are not just cast as a shadow on the next generations. future, but directly seek to eradicate it. In our firm opinion, preventing this is the moral duty of every European citizen.

The participants of the conference agree that the Russo-Ukrainian war, which has overshadowed the faith of the people of the European continent in permanent peace for almost two years, should never have happened. The whole of Europe is suffering the effects of the armed conflict, its consequences are already unfathomable. We are convinced that the members of civil society should make their voices heard in addition to sympathy and solidarity, acting unitedly and free of ideologies, contributing to our most important moral duty, saving human lives and our civilization. In order to promote this, we expect all responsible politicians of the international community to act immediately and proactively to establish a cease-fire as soon as possible and a lasting and just European peace.

The tragedies of the present serve as inescapable proof that the fair and appropriate regulation of the rights of national and ethnic minorities is an essential task in order to prevent tensions between nations and the wars that arise as a result of them.

For this very reason, we declare that the harmonious coexistence of national and ethnic minorities with the majority nation is the cornerstone of social peace and international security, the guarantee of which by legal and other means is the basic obligation of states. We firmly believe that the right to national and ethnic identity should be considered part of universal human rights, and the specific individual and community rights of national and ethnic minorities are fundamental freedoms that must be respected at all times.

In light of the above, however, we also see it as necessary to clearly state that the effective and successful handling of national minority issues is also in the European interest, which is why we reject any EU practice that regards the situation of the continent's national minorities as a high-profile matter that can be pushed into the background.

EuCET stands up for Israel. According to our position, the country has an unquestionable and indisputable right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state. We condemn the terrorist attack against Israel and the inhumane terror used against innocent citizens. We call on the decision-makers of the international community to do everything in order to avoid further escalation of the conflict and to protect the civilian population.

We cannot go without saying that, as a result of illegal migration and irresponsible immigration policy, the effects of the Middle East conflict have spread to Europe, keeping the local Jewish communities in fear and exposing them to potential threats, while at the same time endangering the safety of all European citizens. That is why - emphasizing Europe's Judeo-Christian roots - we specifically call on the decision-makers of the Union to act immediately and proactively to protect the European Israeli communities and to create security at the general European level.

Learning from the tragedies of the past and present, EuCET and the organizations cooperating with it take a unified position that the solution to the demographic crisis - as one of the biggest challenges facing the European continent - is based on Judeo-Christian foundations, having children as a fundamental value and it lies in a traditional family model that embraces the fulfillment of the individual, not in the encouragement or support of unlimited and uncontrolled immigration through legal, political and other means.

In the spirit of this, the decision-makers must prioritize and provide forward-looking, planable and family-friendly guidelines for starting a family, creating a secure home, raising children in peace and safety, and the institution of marriage, which provides the framework of the family, must be protected with the tools of the law, as a man and a woman. a community of life created between women based on a voluntary decision.

We believe that the future of Europe lies in the family, which is why anti-family times must be put to an end once and for all, and at the same time pro-familyism and the miracle of having children as a foundation of civilization must be (again) made a European minimum. After all, family and children are the key to security, without which there is no (successful) future.

Based on this conviction, we reject the aggressive expansion of the LGBTQ ideology, which violently and unilaterally asserts the right of parents to raise their children sexually, and targets the gender identity and sexuality of minors, relativizing their self-identity, as well as its forced propagation by global companies and progressive-liberal decision-makers. and its patent.

According to our firm position, minors cannot be used as instruments of political and cultural struggle, it is our fundamental moral duty to protect them from these external influences.

Exercising the freedom of raising children is the sole right, responsibility and obligation of the parents, in which there is no place for any external ideology! All of this naturally goes hand in hand with the fact that children's school education cannot be a stage for the promotion of LGBTQ views of any kind.

However, in order for the European Union to be able to offer effective solutions to the problems plaguing the continent, it must first of all face the issues burdening its own institutional system from within.

The corruption scandals that erupted as a result of the harmonious collusion of the international left, lobby organizations serving external interests, and pseudo-civilian organizations operating contrary to their social purpose led to the deterioration of the international perception of the EU institutional system and to the degradation of social trust in European political institutions.

Dealing with this, i.e. restoring public morality and credibility, is essential for the union to regain the faith and hope invested in it by the European population.

Finally, EuCET and the organizations cooperating with it once again confirm their earlier value commitments.

We continue to support a European community operating according to the original ideas of the founding fathers and the large-scale politicians who shaped the union in the past decades, which, in addition to respecting the spirit of the Treaties and their contents, takes into account and respects the different historical traditions of the individual member states, its culture, economic endowments and national interests, and only within these frameworks is it looking for opportunities for the widest feasible cooperation.

The former, as well as our unshakable faith in the idea of ​​national sovereignty and the principles of popular sovereignty and subsidiarity, necessarily go hand in hand with the fact that we invariably reject all federalist and member states' rights-infringing efforts, especially politically motivated attacks on unanimous decision-making.

In addition, we will not budge from our position of opposing any ideology that questions Europe's historical heritage, historical traditions, Judeo-Christian roots and values.

Finally, we reiterate our view - which is becoming even more relevant as a result of the institutional crises of the union - that the functions of (real) civil organizations and their most organized participants, the trade unions, stemming from their social purpose must be coordinated, and the benefits of the resulting cooperation - the role of class fighters taken down - as a limit to the abuse of power at all times, it must be used in the interest of civility.

The organizations cooperating with EuCET decide to continue to cooperate in the scientific foundation and popularization of the ideas explained above, and in building relationships with like-minded people.


Budapest, October 16, 2021

On October 15-16, 2021, the European Union Council for Civil Cooperation (EuCET) and the organizations collaborating with it formed their position on the future of the European Union within the framework of the conference on the future of Europe. Among other things, they established:

The organizations cooperating with EuCET stand alongside a European community that is based on the cooperation (or confederation) of sovereign nation-states, takes into account the different historical traditions, culture, economic endowments and national interests of the individual member countries, and at the same time seeks the basis of our common European past and culture the widest cooperation opportunities. They are all committed to ever closer European cooperation serving the interests of the member states, but they reject the centralizing efforts of the current European leadership and ideologies that question Europe's historical heritage, historical traditions, Christian-Jewish roots and values.

The participants want a strong Europe in which, for example, the general political positions of the forum of national heads of state and government, the European Council, cannot be overridden by lower-level council decisions, and the European Parliament is expected to be involved in inter-institutional consultations on such decisions, and we also consider it important a step in the right direction – rethinking and strengthening the institution of the European citizens' initiative. All this is also because we believe in the principle of popular sovereignty, according to which the source and depository of all rights is the people as a whole, which exercises the rights related to state power directly or through its representatives - this is now the main basic element of all modern European constitutions. We consider it important to enforce the idea of ​​national sovereignty, which in our view means the state independence of the nation states that make up the European Union, based on the principle of the sovereign equality of states, and their capacity to act in an international sense.

By strengthening the Erköcs pedestal, EuCET wants to return the Union to the original ideas of the founders and the large-scale politicians who shaped the community in the past decades. We believe that Helmut Kohl dreamed in Europe that the Commission and other EU institutions must not only keep the specific provisions of the Treaties on EU legislative acts, but also the spirit of the Treaties in the preparation of individual decisions. And this presupposes the responsibility felt for the future of the coming generations, the prevention of harmful federalist and even super-federalist efforts and the representation of civil self-defense, the unity of individual and community civil will, and the protection of the nations of Europe.

To this end, it is reasonable to coordinate the cooperation of civil society organizations and their most organized participants, the trade unions, to replace the oppositional, pressure-exerting, (class warfare) role of interest associations in the formation of political will for a new era of joint policy-making and taking joint responsibility for the decisions made, with the goal of increasing the general public good, as opposed to with the neoliberal institution and legal order that serves global interests.

The current pandemic has also highlighted the vulnerability of an economy that is too widely involved in international trade. EuCET supports the support of local economies. According to his understanding, needs that can be rationally met with local resources should be met locally. This also helps to protect the environment, especially if combined with increasing the lifetime and repairability of products. The economics based on this must be developed.

EuCET stands for the protection of European borders and the end of illegal immigration. Accepting or rejecting migrants who arrive illegally, en masse and without control is the responsibility of individual nation states. At the same time, the participants support that the individual underdeveloped countries, especially in the catchment area of ​​Europe, receive help so that they can employ their growing population locally and ensure their livelihoods.

EuCET stands for enhanced protection of the planet Earth, but considers the EU's current climate policy to be professionally unfounded and economically harmful. The energy needs of industrial societies cannot be met only with wind and solar power plants. The climate effect of carbon dioxide is debatable, but nuclear energy is a realistic alternative to replacing fossil energy sources.

In the field of European foreign policy, EuCET starts from the basic position that it respects the political structure of other countries' traditions and customs, which are different from ours, and does not wish to interfere in them with some kind of "democracy export". He builds his relationship with them on mutual economic benefits.

Finally, the organizations cooperating with EuCET decide to cooperate at the European level in the scientific foundation and promotion of the ideas explained above, and in building relationships with like-minded people. In order to do this, a board, committee, is created to manage the joint work. A separate agreement will be drawn up on the board's membership and operating principles.


Budapest, April 25, 2019.

Having confirmed the goals of the spiritual foundation of EuCET, we believe that the reform of the European Union, dreamed up by the Christian Democratic intellectual predecessors, including Adenauer and Schuman, and the reversal of the direction of community integration, which has been strongly shaken in terms of its historical and cultural identity, are gaining particular relevance now. We believe that today, more than ever, Europe needs the strengthening of Christian culture and cultural identity - as the main basis of Europe's modern organizational form - and the protection of the Christian idealism that has shaped Europe over the centuries.

We want a strong Europe in which, for example, the general political positions of the forum of national heads of state and government, the European Council, cannot be overridden by lower-level council decisions, and the European Parliament is expected to be involved in inter-institutional consultations on such decisions, and we also consider it important to move in the right direction step taken - rethinking and strengthening the institution of the European citizens' initiative. All this is also because we believe in the principle of popular sovereignty, according to which the source and depository of all rights is the people as a whole, which exercises the rights related to state power directly or through its representatives - this is now the main basic element of all modern European constitutions. We consider it important to enforce the idea of ​​national sovereignty, which in our view means the state independence of the nation states that make up the European Union, based on the principle of the sovereign equality of states, and their capacity to act in an international sense.

By strengthening the moral base, EuCET wants to return the Union to the original ideas of the founders and the large-scale politicians who shaped the community in the past decades. We believe that Helmut Kohl dreamed in Europe that the Commission and other EU institutions must not only keep the specific provisions of the Treaties on EU legislative acts, but also the spirit of the Treaties in the preparation of individual decisions. And this presupposes the responsibility felt for the future of the coming generations, the prevention of harmful federalist and even super-federalist efforts and the representation of civil self-defense, the unity of individual and community civil will, and the protection of the nations of Europe.

All this is served by the important platform, the European Union Council for Civil Cooperation, which is now being born.

Budapest, November 17, 2017.

The participants of the symposium, after a thorough evaluation and discussion, see the creation of "civilistics" - the science of popular sovereignty - that strengthens the spirit of democracy as well-founded.

With the continuous development of the discipline, it is possible to form a basis for directly representing our issues of destiny with the power of intellectual national defense.

At our founding conference in the spring of 2018, we will establish the European Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET), which we hope will constructively and effectively, in symbiosis with the Brussels institutional system, promote and ensure the participation of European citizens in decisions about them.


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