CÖF, Civil Union Forum

An open letter to Véra Jourova

CÖF-CÖKAExcerpt: Open letter to Véra Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission


Věra Jourová

Vice President

European Commission

Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200

1049 Brussels

Dear Madam Vice President!

Based on Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union, the members of the European Commission must be selected on the basis of their general competence and commitment to Europe, from among persons whose independence cannot be doubted, and the Commission is completely independent in the performance of its tasks.

In recent months, however, we have experienced that you often disseminate incorrect and even misleading information in connection with your statements about Hungary, which fundamentally calls into question the fact that you would continue your work based on compliance with the above-mentioned section as the European Commission's Commissioner for Values ​​and Transparency and as vice president of the board.

We find it particularly worrying that, according to all indications, you can get to know the opinion and situation of the Hungarian civil sphere rather one-sidedly, from the side of some of the more than 60,000 registered organizations, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that call themselves defenders of rights, but are actually politically motivated lobby organizations. By the way, the European Parliament, especially its Civil Rights, Home Affairs and Justice Committee .

We, on behalf of the Civil Solidarity Public Foundation and the Civil Solidarity Forum, believe that the Vice President can get an authentic picture of the situation of civil society in Hungary if she can also exchange ideas with citizens who follow the sovereignist, national direction. Based on this, we hereby record that our organization and several organizations that identify with us were and are ready to dialogue with you and all institutions of the Union in order to help their work and promote full compliance with the provisions of the Treaty on European Union.

Budapest, February 4, 2021.


On behalf of the Civil Solidarity Public Foundation and the Civil Solidarity Forum

Dr. László Csizmadia, Dr. Izabella Bencze, Dr. Tamás Fricz, Dr. Zoltán Lomnici Jr.



From: Ladmanova Monika

Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 7:03 PM

To: info@civilosszefogas.hu


Subject: Acknowledgment of receipt

Dr László Csizmadia,

Dr. Izabella Bencze,

Dr Fricz Tamás,

Dr. Jr. Dr. Zoltán Lomnici

Dear Madam / Sir,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of 4 February addressed to Vice President Věra Jourová, who asked me to respond on her behalf.

I would like to reassure you that the Vice-President personally and the services of the Commission are open and encourage regular dialogue with all European citizens and civil society organizations. We are committed to working with civil society to ensure that all views and concerns are taken into account in our policies.


Monika Ladmanova



European Commission

Cabinet of Vice-President Vera Jourova

Vice-President for Values ​​and Transparency



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