Dr. László Csizmadia


​​a "Europe of Nations" which is the foundation of the cooperation of equal , sovereign nation-states, and who are actively working for its realization. , joined the political initiative based on the core values ​​of nation-state sovereignty and patriotism and took on an exemplary role as the Patriots for Europe (PfE) representative group, which we believe is an indispensable condition and guarantee for the continent's successful future and for integration to regain its rightful role in the global world order. - writes Dr. László Csizmadia, founder-president of EuCET, in his letter to the representatives of the Patriots for Europe faction.

Our organization, the European Union Council for Civil Cooperation (EuCET ), was established in 2019 at the initiative of the Civil Solidarity Forum - Civil Solidarity Non-profit Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA ) , in order to develop international professional cooperation among European civil society that embraces national-conservative values. between organizations and trade unions.

The founders of EuCET, who come from the civil world, felt it their duty to take action against the efforts that are contrary to the Treaties and directly threaten the fundamental idea of ​​the European Union, which are the federalist zeal of the EU institutions and their non-directly elected leaders who try to reduce the sovereignty of the nation-state and the competences of the member states; in the systematic disregard of the will and interests of European citizens, i.e. the idea of ​​popular sovereignty; and last but not least, it is embodied in the abandonment of the Judeo-Christian values ​​and fundamentals that have defined the continent for more than a thousand years.


  • the promotion of peace and dialogue between European nations through civil means and civil society institutions and forums;
  • enforcement of the principle of subsidiarity and the idea of ​​popular sovereignty, including the representation of civil self-defense, and the unification of individual and community civil will, so that they cannot be circumvented by the EU leadership;
  • to restore the rightful place of the historical and cultural diversity of the nations that make up Europe as a self-evident pan-European value in the thinking of EU leaders and in European public thinking;
  • action against harmful federalist and super-federalist efforts and the protection of nation-state sovereignty, which includes the protection of national borders, as well as stopping illegal migration and ill-conceived mass economic immigration;
  • Nurturing and protecting the foundations of Europe's Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian cultural heritage, one of the most important elements of which is the support of the family as the basic unit of society, which we believe is the key to Europe's successful future, and also the only successful answer to the demographic crisis affecting the continent;
  • the implementation of employee protection adapted to new types of challenges along the lines of Judeo-Christian values;
  • last but not least, the firm responsibility felt for the future of the coming generations and the accountability of this through civil means during EU decisions;

EuCET is currently working in cooperation with around 30 trade unions, NGOs and youth organizations representing nearly two-thirds of the member states of the EU to achieve the above goals. This alliance based on our common values ​​provides an opportunity to act decisively and effectively through the enforcement of the idea of ​​popular sovereignty, if it is required by the interests of Europe and European citizens.

At the same time, it would increase our efficiency even more if you could suggest to us other trade unions, civic and youth organizations operating in your country, with whom we could establish cooperation in order to successfully implement our patriotic (civilian) work and achieve our goals.

We are convinced that the global crises of the past period have not only clearly shown that it is inevitable to correct the direction of integration that has lost its identity, and that its competitiveness and moral strength have seriously faltered, and that the reform of the European Union, dreamed up by the intellectual predecessors of the Christian Democrats, is only carried out by patriotic EU leaders. can be implemented. But at the same time, they also highlighted that the active role of the patriotic civil organizations that actively support them is essential for the completion of this historic work, which requires an even closer cross-national cooperation and cooperation of the organizations representing these values ​​and interests.

I look forward to your respectful reply and suggestions, and I wish you strength, perseverance and success in your valuable work - in which you can count on our help in the future!

Budapest, July 23, 2024.

With respect and patriotic greetings:

Dr. László Csizmadia

the founding president of EuCET

Letter to the representatives of the Patriots for Europe faction — Civilians Info


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